Causes of low Roman fertility
As Beryl Rawson has reported, “one theme that recurs in Latin literature is that wives are difficult and therefore men do not care much for marriage”
Rodney Stark, The Rise of Christianity, p. 117
Machine culture
The human capacity for cumulative culture is a key reason for our dominance on Earth. By learning from previous generations and making incremental changes along the way, we have created knowledge and practices that no individual human being could have discovered on their own. Over our history, various inventions––such as language, writing, and formal education––have made the process of cultural transmission more efficient and larger in scope, while changing it in various other ways as well.
It seems overwhelmingly likely that generative AI will have similarly profound effects on culture. A recent paper by Brinkmann et al argues that AI will affect all three Darwinian properties of culture:
- Variation: Machines will generate new cultural artifacts.
- Transmission: Machines will aid in the transmission of cultural artifacts and potentially mutate them along the way.
- Selection: Machines will select between different cultural artifacts, in ways that may potentially differ from how humans would select between them. Moreover, humans will select between different machines.
Variation Consider the game of go. There was little increase in decision quality among human players between 1950 and 2016, followed by a sharp improvement after the release of AlphaGo. In part, this was because human players copied strategies used by AlphaGo.
Notably, this wasn’t only due to humans copying the strategies of AlphaGo, but rather the introduction of AlphaGo served as an impetus for humans to discover new strategies as well.
One key difference between humans and AIs is that AIs can engage in significantly more individual exploration. By contrast, humans tend to rely on pre-existing, culturally evolved solutions that are socially learned, with perhaps some individual learning and exploration on top of that. The capacity for significantly greater individual exploration and learning means that we could end up with some culturally alien traits––traits that unaided human cultural evolution may not be able to discover on its own. In this respect, AlphaGo is strikingly different from large language models, which mostly learn to reproduce human text.
I’m reminded here of what Shane Legg recently said on the Dwarkesh Podcast:
to get real creativity, you need to search through spaces of possibilities and find these hidden gems. That’s what creativity is. Current language models don’t really do that. They really are mimicking the data. They are mimicking all the human ingenuity and everything, which they have seen from all this data that’s coming from the internet that’s originally derived from humans.
At the same time, we know from cultural evolution that simple recombination of existing ideas is a powerful force of invention. So LLMs––which have been trained on a far larger and more diverse corpus of writing than any human could ever consume––may be able to identify novel recombinations that humans would not easily find.
Transmission Machines could store and transmit cultural information more accurately, boosting cultural preservation by reducing cultural drift. Machines trained on human datasets may reproduce human biases, but we also know of some ways of addressing such biases if desired.
Selection Humans use various social learning strategies to figure out which cultural traits to learn when and who from. For example, we pay more attention to certain kinds of content, such as information about our social world, or about plants and animals (content bias). We also pay more attention to particular features of the context, such as the prestige of the person you learn from or the frequency with which some particular cultural trait is adopted in the population (context bias).
These social learning strategies are already reflected in our machine-assisted learning. Content-based filtering algorithms aim to find new items that are as similar as possible to ones the user has previously shown interest in. And PageRank is basically a measure of prestige.
Algorithms can also affect the selective retention of cultural traits by shaping social networks, e.g. suggesting who to follow on Twitter. There is research showing that social network structure can have important effects on a group’s ability to coordinate and solve problems.
We should expect recommender systems to become increasingly more refined, paying attention to e.g. cognitive cost (prioritizing items that are easier for the user to evaluate or learn) or emotional state
In general, the effects of machines on selection will depend on the domain in question. However, one feature is present across many domains: the business incentive to maximize user engagement for profit:
In social networks, this may be achieved by promoting content congruent with users’ past engagement or ingroup attitudes , or content that humans inherently attend to, such as emotionally and morally charged content. One example is information that relates to threat or elicits disgust, as shown in transmission chain experiments inspired from cultural evolutionary theory. The algorithmic amplification of such content may then feed back into human social learning—for instance, inflating beliefs about the normative value of expressing moral outrage, increasing outgroup animosity or creating echo chambers and filter bubbles.
At the same time, engagement can also be a signal of user value. It should be possible to design algorithms that navigate this tradeoff.
They also write:
Algorithmic systems more generally offer powerful ways to bridge social divides—for instance, by designing selection policies that steer users’ attention to content that increases mutual understanding and trust, or by identifying and promoting links in social networks that can effectively mitigate polarizing dynamics. Machine selection can also be deliberately geared towards fostering content diversity or towards maximizing agreement among humans with diverse preferences.
Of course, the key question is whether people have the right incentives to design algorithmic systems in this way.
In turn, humans select machine systems in various ways, e.g. through using RLHF or other forms of human feedback, creating training sets, or customers selecting which model to employ, based on cost, usefulness, etc. This will create a range of selection pressures on machine systems. For example, reliance on human feedback may create a selection pressure to please interlocutors.
Existential risk
Although experts disagree on the timescales and the degree of risk involved, the potential of superhuman artificial general intelligence poses a possible existential threat to the human species. Cultural evolution provides a useful framework for navigating this challenge. Specifically, cultural evolution processes take place today at multiple scales, with human collectives—for example, companies, universities, institutions, cities and nation states—acting as the units of selection. This multi-level selection can, in principle, operate at the level of human organizations augmented by intelligent machines and (eventually) superhuman artificial general intelligence. Engineering this evolutionary process can provide means for ensuring human survival and agency in the long run.
This much I’ve figure out myself. But I would have liked to hear something with at least a little more detail.
Important, neglected AI topics
Lukas Finnveden discusses some important but neglected AI topics that don’t fit easily within the usual conception of alignment:
- The potential moral value of AI.
- The potential importance of making AI behave cooperatively towards humans, other AIs, or other civilizations (whether it ends up intent-aligned or not).
- Questions about how human governance institutions will keep up if AI leads to explosive growth.
- Ways in which AI could cause human deliberation to get derailed, e.g. powerful persuasion abilities.
- Positive visions about how we could end up on a good path towards becoming a society that makes wise and kind decisions about what to do with the resources accessible to us. (Including how AI could help with this.)
I’m currently trying to figure out useful research projects on AI that speak to my comparative advantages (whatever those may be), so I’m interested in exploring suggestions like these.
There’s already some good work on the potential moral value of AI (e.g. by Bostrom, and also this report on consciousness in AI). I’m not sure how much I have to add to this, though it’s certainly an area I’d like to keep up with.
I’ve been thinking a bit about cooperation as a useful framing for AI alignment and safety, particularly in the context of cultural evolution, though without making much progress so far. But I wonder how valuable this is if we don’t get intent alignment. (I’m intuitively skeptical, though perhaps that’s wrong.) And I’m not sure I’m ready to take the plunge on wacky multiverse-wide cooperation stuff.
The question of how governance institutions will keep up with explosive AI growth is probably better suited for someone with more of a social science background.
I haven’t spent much time thinking about the dangers of AI persuasion. Probably something I should read up on.
I’m definitely excited about creating positive visions of what an AI future could look like. This is something to pursue further, though I’m unsure where to start. Holden Karnofsky has some suggestions here.
A framing
From Marx to Morris, many thinkers have argued that mode of production shapes values and norms—think of egalitarian foragers and hierarchical farmers. Advances in AI will bring dramatic changes in mode of production, comparable to the agricultural and industrial revolutions. In this new regime, it is unlikely that current values and norms will prove most adaptive: they will be replaced by something new.
There is room for moral entrepreneurs, or legislators of value, to shape which set of norms will prevail. This is how I understand the work Nick Bostrom is doing on digital minds. Granted, the space of feasible options is constrained. But history is full of path-dependence and persistent contingency. To some extent, we can create the values of tomorrow. This is the task we face today.
What Children Can Do That Large Language Models Cannot (Yet)
Paper by Yiu et al (2023).
They argue that LLMs and vision models should not be thought of as individual agents, but rather as new cultural technologies, similar to writing, print, libraries, the Internet, or language. LLMs offer a new means for cultural production and evolution. They aggregate large amounts of information previously generated by humans and extract patterns from that information.
The authors claim that this is very different from the truth-seeking epistemic processes that underly perception and action systems that intervene on the external world and generate new information about it. These truth-seeking epistemic processes are found in some AI systems (model-based RL systems, robotics).
Instead, LLMs allow (like cultural learning and imitation) for the faithful transmission of representations from one agent to another, regardless of the accuracy of those representations.
Not sure I buy that these two processes are so fundamentally different, but I find the shift in perspective interesting and potentially fruitful. Of course, even if they are right about current frontier models, the big question is how long we should expect that to remain true for..
They also make some draw some interesting further parallels with cultural evolution:
This contrast between transmission and truth is in turn closely related to the imitation/innovation contrast in discussions of cultural evolution in humans. Cultural evolution depends on the balance between these two different kinds of cognitive mechanisms. Imitation allows the transmission of knowledge or skill from one person to another. Innovation produces novel knowledge or skill through contact with a changing world. Imitation means that each individual agent does not have to innovate—they can take advantage of the cognitive discoveries of others. But imitation by itself would be useless if some agents did not also have the capacity to innovate. It is the combination of the two that allows cultural and technological progress.
They connect it to the debate over embodiment:
large language and vision models provide us with an opportunity to discover which representations and cognitive capacities, in general, human or artificial, can be acquired purely through cultural transmission itself and which require independent contact with the external world—a long-standing question in cognitive science.
I’ve always been a bit skeptical of views that emphasize embodiment, but not quite sure why.
Deep learning models trained on large data sets today excel at imitation in a way that far outstrips earlier technologies and so represent a new phase in the history of cultural technologies. Large language models such as Anthropic’s Claude and OpenAI’s ChatGPT can use the statistical patterns in the text in their training sets to generate a variety of new text, from emails and essays to computer programs and songs. GPT-3 can imitate both natural human language patterns and particular styles of writing close to perfectly. It arguably does this better than many people.
Although the imitative behavior of large language and vision models can be viewed as the abstract mapping of one pattern to another, human imitation appears to be mediated by goal representation and the understanding of causal structure from a young age. It would be interesting to see whether large models also replicate these features of human imitation.
They then examine whether LLMs can innovate in various contexts. The first concerns novel tool use:
So far, we have found that both children aged 3 to 7 years old presented with animations of the scenario and adults can recognize common superficial relationships between objects when they are asked which objects should go together. But they can also discover new functions in everyday objects to solve novel physical problems and so select the superficially unrelated but functionally relevant object . In ongoing work, we have found that children demonstrate these capacities even when they receive only a text description of the objects, with no images.
Using exactly the same text input that we used to test our human participants, we queried OpenAI’s GPT4, gpt-3.5-turbo, and text-davinci-003 models; Anthropic’s Claude; and Google’s FLAN-T5 (XXL). As we predicted we found that these large language models are almost as capable of identifying superficial commonalities between objects as humans are. They are sensitive to the superficial associations between the objects, and they excel at our imitation tasks—they generally respond that the ruler goes with the compass. However, they are less capable than humans when they are asked to select a novel functional tool to solve a problem.
From this they conclude:
This suggests that simply learning from large amounts of existing language may not be sufficient to achieve tool innovation.
Maybe, but couldn’t it also turn out that the problem goes away with further scaling? They do address this later in the paper:
But a child does not interact with the world better by increasing their brain capacity. Is building the tallest tower the ultimate way to reach the moon? Putting scale aside, what are the mechanisms that allow humans to be effective and creative learners? What in a child’s “training data” and learning capacities is critically effective and different from that of LLMs? Can we design new AI systems that use active, self-motivated exploration of the real external world as children do? And what we might expect the capacities of such systems to be? Comparing these systems in a detailed and rigorous way can provide important new insights about both natural intelligence and AI.
But this doesn’t really answer the objection. It could still be that scaling up will allow for the recognition of new patterns in a way that solves these issues.
In another study, they found that children (including 4 year olds) were better than LLMs at discovering causal relationships.
Overall found this paper interesting, even if I remain unconvinced about many things.
Prestige and content biases together shape the cultural transmission of narratives
Cultural transmission biases such as prestige are thought to have been a primary driver in shaping the dynamics of human cultural evolution. However, few empirical studies have measured the importance of prestige relative to other effects, such as content biases present within the information being transmitted. Here, we report the findings of an experimental transmission study designed to compare the simultaneous effects of a model using a high- or low-prestige regional accent with the presence of narrative content containing social, survival, emotional, moral, rational, or counterintuitive information in the form of a creation story. Results from multimodel inference reveal that prestige is a significant factor in determining the salience and recall of information, but that several content biases, specifically social, survival, negative emotional, and biological counterintuitive information, are significantly more influential. Further, we find evidence that reliance on prestige cues may serve as a conditional learning strategy when no content cues are available. Our results demonstrate that content biases serve a vital and underappreciated role in cultural transmission and cultural evolution.